Facebook…only quicker.

Did you know that Facebook has time-saving keyboard shortcuts that are designed for keyboard-only users? Find the latest and greatest ways to speed up your latest status update. Internet Explorer for PC: Alt + [key stroke], then Enter Firefox for PC: Shift + Alt + [key stroke] Firefox for Mac: Ctrl + [key stroke] Safari for Mac: Ctrl + [key stroke] Chrome: Ctrl + Alt + [key stroke] Then it’s just a matter of adding those different key strokes to navigate the following pages: / = Search 0 = Help 1 = Home 2 = Timeline 3 = Friends 4 = Inbox 5 = Notifications 6 = Account Settings 7 = Privacy 8 = About 9 = Terms c = comment when on a story in your News Feed j and k = scroll between News Feed stories l = like or unlike a selected story m = new message Have you used any of Facebook’s shortcuts? Let us know!