Top 10 Up and Coming Social Media Outlets

In the age of social media – there is always the bigger, better app or network. Find your cheat sheet for the top ten up and coming social media outlets below. You can thank us later…

  1. edium – A blogging platform brought to you from Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter and Blogger, recently launched in October allowing individuals a simple design with varying topics allows users to host stories.
  2. Kleek – This social network allows you to personalize your own private network within Facebook. Kleek permits you to only view the statuses and updates of your most loved friends. Kleek is a win – win – No uncomfortable unfriending – no game requests from your 7th grade lab partner!
  3. Viddy – An app that allows its users to shoot 15 second or less videos, edit footage, add music and/or filters and easily share across Twitter and Facebook.
  4. RunKeeper – This app is named “The Personal Trainer in Your Pocket!” It allows you to network with the like-minded fitness community, as well as track your workouts.
  5. Ghost – Begun by a Kickstarter project, Ghost is an up and coming blogging platform that allows you to do just that – blog.
  6. Pose – With a visual layout similar to Pinterest, this app allows users to share outfits and accessories. Pose has been called the “Instagram of the fashion world”.
  7. Vine – A video sharing app launched by Twitter that lets you film short, separate instances that can be put together totaling six seconds of video. Each plays in a continuous loop and is visible in Twitter’s timeline.
  8. Days – This app groups any photo’s you take through the app and mold it into a ‘visual diary’ allowing you to view and/or share your ‘day’ through images. Days also is easily sharable via Facebook, etc.
  9. – This social outlet allows users to share photos and documents with file storage apps – a free option is available, but the full version runs $36 annually.
  10. Atmospheir – Soon to launch, this app promises to compile all information from all of your social media outlets into one single databank. Genius!

What new social outlets are you excited about?